All religions, all this singing,

is one song.

The differences are just illusion and vanity.

The sun’s light looks a little different

on this wall than it does on that wall…

but it’s still one light.

~ Rumi

Mission Statement

The Interfaith Ministers of New England holds all spiritual paths as sacred. We support Interfaith Ministers and their work, and we offer a compassionate presence in the wider community.

What is Interfaith?

At the deepest level, Interfaith recognizes that all religions have an inner, contemplative basis out of which the outer form of tradition, ritual, scripture and belief have evolved. This inner “soul” of all faiths certainly manifests differently in each person’s life - hence the great variety of religious paths in the world and yet, at the core, all religions speak to the need for deeper meaning and to the unity of all life.

Looking for an Ordained Interfaith Minister?

If you are looking for a Ordained Interfaith Minister to officiate at a wedding or other life-event, please contact us at: